30 MAY 2012 by ideonexus
"Run the Tape Again"
Run the tape again, and let the tiny twig of Homo sapiens expire in Africa. Other hominids may have stood on the threshold of what we know as human possibilities, but many sensible scenarios would never generate our level of mentality. Run the tape again, and this time Neanderthal perishes in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia (as they did in our world). The sole surviving human stock, Homo erectus in Africa, stumbles along for a while, even prospers, but does not speciate and therefore remains ...We are here by luck, not fate.
30 MAY 2012 by ideonexus
Humans are Nothing Special
Asian Homo erectus died without issue and does not enter our immediate ancestry (for we evolved from African populations); Neanderthal people were collateral cousins, perhaps already living in Europe while we emerged in Africa... In other words, we are an improbable and fragile entity, fortunately successful after precarious beginnings as a small population in Africa, not the predictable end result of a global tendency. We are a thing, an item of history, not an embodiment of general principl...Folksonomies: evolution
Folksonomies: evolution
"We are a thing, an item of history, not an embodiment of general principles."
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Missing Links Make Defining Species Possible
As we trace the ancestry of modern Homo sapiens backwards, there must come a time when
the difference from living people is sufficiently great to deserve a different specific name, say
Homo ergaster. Yet, every step of the way, individuals were presumably sufficiently similar to their
parents and their children to be placed in the same species. Now we go back further, tracing the
ancestry of Homo ergaster, and there must come a time when we reach individuals who are
sufficiently different fro...Without missing links, species would blur into each other.